If you read other reviews on-line you'll note that parents say that it speeds up their kids so that they can toddlebike rather than be pushed in a buggy. This didn't really work for us. Small Mr B is already so fast on his feet that he found toddlebiking any distance a bit frustrating, because he can (and will) run along faster. But in the flat and/or the playpark he has a ball. As did the other kids at the park who all had a go - from age 12 months and up including big sister (nearly 6).
From a bike-riding perspective, the cool thing about it is that unlike other 'scoot' bikes/bugs that we have tried, he automatically alternated his legs while pushing, rather than pushing with both legs together. No idea what it is about the design that encourages it, but interesting.
There is now a 'Scottish regional partner' for anyone who wants to make contact. I can definitely see these being popular in playgroups and nurseries, as well as at home. I won't be sending it back - although having now seen a little girl just his age (23 months) performing amazing acts on a scooter, we're already scheming to get him on a balance bike...